On Friday morning I will pack up most of my earthly possessions and move to Bloomington, Indiana to start Optometry School. Wow.
Since I've never left home to live in another city, this is a big deal.
Things I will especially miss:
1. Family and Friends
I've lived here for 22 years (almost 23 , but i don't wanna talk about that) so I've spent a lot of time with people that I love. I will miss these people dearly! Thanks friends and family for being there. I have cried to and with many of you, yelled at some, laughed my head off, enjoyed the best of times and the very worst of times. Thanks to those of you who have encouraged me in school, my walk with Christ, my relationships, and just plain ME in general. Special thanks to those who have lived with me.. that is not an easy task!! ;)
2. Madison Square Church
I have grown to love this church so much during my time at Calvin. It is an amazing place of community, love and support. I feel like I experience a small taste of what heaven will be like every Sunday. I love its mission, I love the pastors and church leaders. Getting to know pastor Joy has been a highlight of this year for me. I am very sad to leave a church that so closely adheres to what I think a church should be. However I will take what I have learned from Madison and apply it to my future. I know that there is a place for me in Bloomington. Although I feel sadness about leaving this church home, I wait in eager expectation for what God has already prepared.
3. Calvin
The name Calvin College evokes so many emotions for me. Four years ago I entered the doors of Noordewier - VanderWerp as a freshman pre-med student, eager to start classes and make new friends. Immediately, I loved dorm life. I was reminded by my RA at graduation in May that on my first night in the dorms I ran down the hall saying " I love boys" after the Beets boys serenaded our dorm in their boxers. Ahhhh... a shining moment for me. Since then I've grown and changed so much.
Calvin is home, school, friends, enemies, challenges, pain, fun, tiredness, embarrassment, regret, pride, triumph, opportunity, love, passion, intelligence, and Jesus. ( It seemed right to end with Jesus :)
I'll miss the familiarity of Calvin's atmosphere. Chapel, the library, 5th floor, CIT, the lab, the science building, De Vries Hall, the gym, practice rooms in the FAC, walking across the bridge to DeVos, Johnny's.
I'll miss the terminology. In Indiana no one knows about the Calvin/Hope rivalry. A calvin walk, dance guild, airband, commons, uppercrust, quest, bequive, bonus bucks, freshman frenzy, senior scramble, academic advising, interim, reading recess, the Fish House, passport, the dorm names and so much more.
I'll miss scheduling classes on knightvision, picking my science professors because I actually know almost ALL of them at a semi personal level, knowing what to expect each day...... i could go on all night people!
Calvin, a place where I've endured and learned a lot. I've been inspired, experienced heart break, been motivated, discouraged, pushed, equipped and formed into exactly who God wants me to be at this moment. When I came four years ago, I didn't know if I could complete all the courses and actually make it into school. Thank you Calvin and God for the past four years.
Someone once told me that a person changes for two reasons,
1. Happiness - changing offers a better or more enjoyable situation
2. Pain - suffering causes an individual to realize he or she needs to make changes
I am a very stubborn person, so usually I will make changes because they benefit me. Other changes, the ones that need to be made the most, often require suffering for me to even realize I have a problem let alone make changes.
That said, I'm excited to make some changes to myself when I move to Indiana. It's kind of refreshing to be able to have a fresh start with people that don't know you at all.
On a superficial note, I plan to wear less makeup in Indiana. You know. set the standard low so that if I feel motivated to wear mascara one day everyone is wowed! :)
But seriously, I've learned so many valuable lessons about myself in the past years. I am determined to make time for friends, relationships, church and other things that are important to me in Indiana. I refuse to let studies take the #1 priority spot in my life. Although grades and succeeding in academics are important, relationships, people and faith are more important!
I also want to become more involved in a church. I never joined a small group or became involved in Madison Square CRC very much, which is something I should have done. I look forward to participating actively in a solid church community. Mostly, I look forward to letting people know that my faith is the most important part of my life. Many people already know this, but I'm eager to be more transparent and open about that right from the start as I enter the new school and school year.
If you take anything away from this post here's the summary:
I've had a good life. I've made so many mistakes and have numerous regrets. I know that in Christ I have a future hope of eternal life. Until then, I'll continue to passionately and eagerly pursue Christ in every aspect of my life. Optometry school is my next step and then who knows. Thanks to God for the past and thanks to God for future hope.
Love and peace to you today.
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