Thursday, December 20, 2012

Why Optometry?

Friends and loved ones,

I agree, it's been far too long since I've updated this blog. Actually, it's been far too long since I've written anything. I often have deep thoughts about things, and if you're unfortunate enough to be my roommate, you get to hear all about these thoughts and feelings at any given moment ;)

Since it's been so long I'll just go ahead and dive right in.

One of the hardest things about starting graduate school is that my free time is so restricted. In undergrad I was able to work, volunteer several different places, get good grades, spend time with friends and family, participate in mentoring relationships, teach piano, take piano lessons.... the list goes on. The funny thing is, I thought I was busy then.

Contrary to my past self, I like to be involved in many, many things. Right now I can't be, and that's frustrating. One of my biggest fears is that I'll finish school in 4 years involved in nothing with zero connections to missions/ organizations/ anything at home or abroad. I know it doesn't have to be that way, but those thoughts are definitely still there.

These thoughts and fears are why I initially really questioned my decision to be an optometrist at the start of the semester.  Mid fall  I was pretty convinced that I would be quitting, moving back to MI and attending seminary, or grad school for clinical counseling. I wanted to keep taking spanish classes as well, I wanted to learn other languages, and loved the idea of participating in an intentional community or some type of inner city housing. I still love these ideas, and I still question the decision at times. If you're a praying kind of person, and even if you're not, would you mind praying for me about this?

Moving on....

In working through all of this I came a very important conclusion. It really doesn't matter to me what my career is. What I really want to do is go into under served areas, the inner city, third world countries, and spanish speaking communities to serve, work, learn, teach, be taught, love and be loved. I want to talk to people about why I'm a Christian and help them in any way possible. I can do that as an MD, social worker, counselor, optometrist, sociologist, community development coordinator, etc. So friends, this particular career path is just one I've been led to and plan to continue pursuing until I'm led somewhere else. Am I confused about it? Yep. Am I naturally gifted in other areas? Absolutely. Do I wonder if I pushed through science classes that I didn't love all for a career I'm not sure I like? hahaha YES.

Anyways, I don't know what the heck I'm doing in Bloomington right now and I have no idea where a degree in optometry will lead, but the little saying below sums up my thoughts perfectly.

Yep yep!

I have a hard time believing that I'll be practicing optometry in 20 years. Actually, I have a hard time believing I'll ever only work as an optometrist. I simply have way too many interests to stick with one career at a time. Perhaps I'll be a counseling, human rights advocating, spanish speaking, musical optometrist missionary who loves recycling. Luckily, from what I hear, all kinds of talents are useful in life :)

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This summer.

The first summer of optometry school is completely free, meaning I have from the second week in May to mid August off. Whoa.

Options: find a job for a few months, find an internship, bum around doing nothing, take classes in a different discipline, go on a mission trip......

True to myself and my go getter personality, I've been poking around for opportunities the past month.
I've come up with quite a few possibilities.

  • Intern for HCJB Global in Quito or Shell, Ecuador. This is the organization started by Nate Saint, a missionary pilot who was killed with several other missionaries while attempting to bring the gospel to the Auca people back in the 1950s. His story is told in the movie "End of the Spear." This sounds like a good opportunity, although I would definitely still be taking on the role of student as I assist in the hospital with patient care, surgical tech type duties, and ER support. The internship is for 6 weeks and spanish ability is required. 

  • Intern with Paradise Bound Ministries in Guatemala. A big plus to this internship is that I've already been on two short term trips with Paradise Bound in high school. I know Dan and Heidi the missionary couple and would love to see the progress they've made with the orphanage, and their mission in general. For this internship I would be taking more of a leadership role in the building projects, dedication of homes, medical clinics, etc. Groups would be coming down all summer for short term trips, and I would be staying from June until I start school in August. 

  • Cambodia. A friend from Honduras who lives in Seattle is a counselor for women previously held captive by the sex trafficking network. Since Seattle is such a large seaport in the US, sometimes asian girls are shipped in semi truck containers across the ocean into that port where they are smuggled into the US and sold into that industry. My friend's job is to find out how this happens, assist in raids of homes where these girls are kept, and primarily to counsel them through after they've been rescued. In many Asian countries prostitution is legal, so the point of going to Cambodia would be to support agencies that rescue women from the sex trade, and assist them with education and a career. This trip would be awesome, but it's only for 2 weeks, so I may have to wait to do that another year. 
  • There's a possibility of me working in Haiti with an optometrist there.

  • Take spanish/psych/public health classes at home or in Bloomington and work/volunteer.

So those are my options right now. I've sent a dozen or more emails that I haven't gotten responses to yet, so I'm guessing I'll have a few more place to apply as well.

Stepping away from all of this, I realize that it is a tremendous blessing to even think about applying for internships like these. I look back on the incredible journey I've already been on in life and am astonished at how far God's already brought in my relationship with Him, and my ability to trust Him. 4 years ago, I would never have felt comfortable committing to spend a full summer abroad. Now, after many travel experiences through Calvin, learning spanish, and experiencing other cultures, I feel more than prepared to do something like this.

Thanks to God for giving me an adventurous spirit and a passion for under served people. Thanks to you all for reading this, for caring, for reading it even if you don't care all that much ;) and for supporting me in all my crazy ideas and travels.

These opportunities, others, and the decision about what to do this summer will be prayed about a lot over the next few months, and I would appreciate if you'd pray from them too!

I have soo much more to say about different topics, but I'll save them for another post in a few days.

MERRY CHRISTMAS. He is the true reason for this season, huh?


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