Thursday, October 10, 2013

Vale la pena

This random post is not an update about how I am doing and what is going on with my new life in Lawndale. Although, a little ditty about that is long past due. At this moment I am taking a step back. Over the past 3 months God has taken me on a crazy journey, one I never expected, anticipated or could have imagined. At every point in this journey I resisted what was happening, or wished for something different...

Initially, I wanted to be abroad all summer - God gave me the LSMP internship in Chicago
I didn't want to quit optometry school, although I knew something was off - Providers, friends and mentors along with a lot of prayer helped me make the decision to back out.
I was worried about my future after quitting school - God gave me a job at Lawndale working closely with patients and providers
I didn't want to work at the Homan site of LCHC - God has given me amazing community and blessings already
I wanted to live in Little Village - I live in North Lawndale, on an awesome block, with a great roomie.
I was scared to work with my doctor - He teaches me new amazing things everyday and challenges me to be better
I thought no hispanic patients would come to Homan - I speak Spanish with patients daily
I was worried I would not have friends - God has blessed me abundantly with awesome people

The Lord works everything out in His time. He did not give me what I wanted in any of these situations. In fact, He did something better in every single one. How beautifully humbling.

I can see God writing my story, turning difficult hurdles into providential successes. In times of doubt, anxiety and loneliness, He sustains.

I love that God is not confined to circumstance or human reason. I love that I have no idea what is to come. I love that what is waiting for me at the end of everything - wholeness, completion and eternal fulfillment - are sure promises.

He did not say it would be easy. He promised it would be worth it. Vale la pena.